Pedigraphy: methods of identification in forensic podiatry

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Pablo Martínez–Escauriaza Peral
Esteban Juan García Agra
Cristina Gil Sebastián


Forensic sciences provide a legal framework to defend, based on scientifically grounded evidence and in light of existing proof, the clarification of facts. The pillars supporting various specialties that judicially address the investigation of events are upheld by the diligent work of professionally trained experts. In the field of Forensic Podiatry, through the analysis of footprints, we can quantify and bring visibility to human identity by examining gait patterns using scientific analysis systems that determine the uniqueness of an individual's imprint. Pedigraphy, both analog and digital, is a tool utilized by forensic podiatrists to address and support judicial proceedings, overcoming limitations and addressing deficiencies in the study of evidence presented in court. This article highlights various methods employed in solving crimes based on the information provided by pedigraphy.

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Forensic Science